Letter to the Golden Witch is out now!

Here it is! We've reached the end of a long, long journey. You can find the Letter download link on the main itch page now! 

Those of you who don't have access to a compatible version of Umineko can watch it on YouTube. At the moment, this playlist only covers up to the end of Part 2 of 3, but I hope to finish uploading the rest of the forgery by the end of the weekend.

At some point in the future I want to write a short post-mortem on Letter's history, as well as the many lessons I've learned during its creation. If you're interested in that sort of thing (or want to see my other writing, or previous posts on the subject of writing Letter), check out my Cohost

When I first started writing Letter to the Golden Witch in early 2020, I had no real expectations for it, and no feeling that I would ever even finish it - it was nothing more than a fun idea, something to daydream about. If you'd asked me about it then, I would say that finishing Letter would be nothing short of a miracle.

But, at some point early in the writing process, that feeling changed.  Letter stopped being something I idly hoped to complete, and instead became something I knew that I would complete in the end, no matter what.

Though I often wavered, I always believed in my ability to complete this story and share it with the world, and I used that confidence to push through all my doubts and worries, and to stand up again when I fell.

In the end, it was that certain willpower which allowed me to attain this miracle.


To all readers: I hope you enjoy the fruits of that willpower.

To Lambdadelta: thanks a bunch.  I owe you one.

Get Umineko: Letter to the Golden Witch

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