Development Update (Oct 2022)

Hi, everyone! 

Sorry about the wait, and sorry for lying when I said "This is the second (and final) dev update for Letter to the Golden Witch!" in the last dev blog. In my defense, I didn't say it in red.

I just want to keep everyone caught up on what's been going on with Letter over the last year, and the reasons I missed my release goal by such a long shot (as well as my plans for the future). I'll keep it quick and simple, so here goes!

The biggest thing to talk about is how difficult the editing process became. Editing, where this project is concerned, is deeply involved and takes a ton of focus. It's not too bad for low-key scenes where characters are largely sitting around and talking, but in the much more kinetic latter half of Letter, it becomes exponentially more time-consuming and mentally taxing to edit scene after scene.

It was failing to account for this massive leap in editing difficulty that lead to setting an overly ambitious release target, and it was that release target which lead to me burning myself out pretty hardcore. I never really stopped working on Letter, but my efforts saw a sharp drop-off late into 2021 and through till recently - and though I'm picking up the pace now, I'm still not working as fast as i was in early 2021. Besides that, the later sections of the script ended up needing some pretty comprehensive rewriting. This is mostly done now, but I want to get the most important scenes absolutely right, and this has taken a lot of time and care.

I don't want to set any goals at the moment, but rest assured that work hasn't stopped.

Additionally, you can find me on cohost now! I'm a big believer in the site and its goals, and I intend to use it for informal dev blogs (I've already published one, about some lessons I've learned from the editing process) as well as a few other things (definitely take a peek if you like fighting games!). I'll also be posting some Letter screenshots there, as well as little bonuses such as cut content and the like.

That's all, everyone. Thanks for reading, and thanks for your patience!

Get Umineko: Letter to the Golden Witch

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